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"Phoenix Jackson, William Wallace, and King MacLain: Welty's Mythic Travelers." On the theme of "travel" in "A Worn Path" and other of Welty's Collected Stories. "'Unsettling Every Definition of Otherness': Another Reading of Eudora Welty's 'A Worn Path.'" South Atlantic Review 57, 2 (May 1992) pp 57-72. "Toward the north star: Eudora Welty's 'A Worn Path' and the slave narrative tradition." Mississippi Quarterly Winter 2005.

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"Life for Phoenix." In The Critical Response to Eudora Welty's Fiction, ed. "Phoenix Has No Coat: Historicity, Eschatology, and Sins of Omission in Eudora Welty's 'A Worn Path." International Fiction Review 28, 1/2 (2001) pp 32-41. Delta Wedding, at the Literary Encyclopedia 21 Dec. "Eudora Welty." An introduction from the Literary Encyclopedia 18 July 2002. Teaching strategies for Eudora Welty, from educational publisher Cengage. "Eudora Welty, The Art of Fiction." Interview with Welty, Paris Review 55 (Fall 1972). Contents include a Eudora Welty timeline, an essay about Welty by her friend Reynolds Price, an analysis of how the novel was transformed into a screenplay, a summary of the plot, and a teachers guide. The Ponder Heart, a web site to accompany a presentation from public broadcasting's Masterpiece Theater. "Frequently Asked Questions." A nice feature at The Eudora Welty Review, presents questions about Eudora Welty that students and scholars often write in to ask the Review's editors and tells where to find the answers. Suzanne Mars and southern author Richard Bausch. "Remembering Eudora Welty." Audio of a public television presentation on Welty, includes recordings of Welty speaking about her work and commentary by Prof. An extended introduction to Eudora Welty, contains a biography and covers a number of her stories. Main page | 20th-c literature | mid-century american fiction | 20th-c women writers A selective list of online literary criticism and analysis for the American short-story writer, autobiographer, and novelist Eudora Welty, favoring signed articles and books by recognized scholars and articles published in peer-reviewed sources

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